thank you, advisory board

As the clock struck midnight to herald in the New Year, I officially became unemployed. My name was removed from the staff list, my email was disconnected, and my insurance ran out. (We now have coverage from the exchanges—thanks, Obama!)

Leaving my job was one of the hardest and weirdest things so far related to the trip. Perhaps unsurprisingly, a lot of anxiety comes with leaving a job for planned unemployment and no immediate job prospects!

But what I’ve been thinking most about is how lucky I was to start my professional career at the Advisory Board. It’s trite because it’s true—one of the best parts about this company was the opportunity to work with smart, admirable, and fun colleagues. I have friends here that I hope to have for many, many years to come. My immediate team was also always so supportive of my professional development, and still very supportive when I made the decision to leave for this trip.

So while it’s difficult to be leaving, I’m grateful for the opportunities and relationships from the Advisory Board. And anyway, most of the unemployment-related anxiety is muted by excitement for our big trip!

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