philippines in review

After every country we visit, Vikram writes about our overall experiences and highlights. Here’s his take on the Philippines! Our experience in the Philippines was fantastic but would be difficult for the typical traveler to duplicate, because we were fortunate to be hosted and shown around by Mary’s family. Their warmth, generosity, and commitment to plying us with delicious food […]

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hong kong in review

After every country we visit, Vikram writes about our overall experiences and highlights. Here’s his take on Hong Kong! Hong Kong was one of our favorite cities on the trip for many reasons: the combination of eastern and western cultural influences, the phenomenal food, the cheap, clean, and efficient public transportation, and of course, meeting up with some of our […]

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australia in review

After every country we visit, Vikram writes about our overall experiences and highlights. Here’s his take on Australia! After ten weeks in South America and a 48-hour journey from Lima to Brisbane, Australia was a culture shock. It’s basically a cleaner, nicer, and friendlier version of America, with better weather. Australia offered many of the comforts and luxuries of home that […]

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peru in review

After every country we visit, Vikram writes about our overall experiences and highlights. Here’s his take on Peru! As a result of the whole rabies thing, our experience in Peru was limited primarily to Arequipa, which is not the main reason people go to Peru. But we loved what we saw of the country and are eager to make it […]

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bolivia in review

After every country we visit, Vikram writes about our overall experiences and highlights. Here’s his take on Bolivia! I had the lowest expectations for Bolivia of all the countries we visited in South America. I’d read that Bolivia was the most impoverished country in South America, with poor sanitation, bathrooms without running water, unpaved roads, and a general lack of […]

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argentina in review

After every country we visit, Vikram writes about our overall experiences and highlights. Here’s his take on Argentina! Argentina offers most of the comforts of America for a fraction of the price. Unfortunately, that fraction is frequently around 9/10. Exchange rate fluctuations and runaway inflation mean Argentina is no longer the sophisticated yet affordable budget destination it used to be, […]

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